Live Harp Lesson 45 – How to create a practice routine that works?

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About today’s topic…

There will be times when you will feel super-motivated to focus on harp playing and you will be ready to jump in at any time, for hours at time. This may be at the beginning of a new term when you start working on new pieces, after New Year when you’re keen to keep your resolutions, or perhaps when your new instrument arrives (what a joy is that!).

This can be a truly wonderful time, and while you’re there – it’s a good idea to use your enthusiasm to (re)establish your practice routine. Creating supportive rituals and habits around practice times lowers the risk for getting distracted from the harp. Having things in place for a good start and knowing the steps you go through at the beginning of each practice session gives you the freedom to straight away dive into music making.

It is natural that your motivation levels will change over time. On some days you simply can’t wait to sit at the harp, while on others you will feel like you have zero energy for even opening the music. A practice routine is what will help you carry on during those not-so-good times.

Watch the video to learn about the 3 steps to establishing a practice routine that works. Remember to download the worksheet that you can use to create your own routine!

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