How your fingers learn to match the notes to the harp strings? [ep 56]

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If you’re learning to read music on the harp, you may be wondering…

Does practice and exercises eventually get me to the point where the fingers recognise the notes on their own?

You may have tried a lot of different things and are still searching for some magic way for you to bridge what you see in the score to what fingers are to do on a harp… and you want to know if there’s a light at the end of this tunnel!

In this video I’m inviting you to take a closer look at what happens when your fingers learn to match the notes to the strings – and how can you help them get there.

Have you seen the FREE video training on reading music?

if you feel that working out the notes takes a lot of your time, make sure you check out this video training for harpists who want to learn music with confidence. You will learn about one simple mind shift that helps you understand the connection between the treble and bass clef and read music faster while playing hands together.

3 videos, 15 minutes of your time, one big change to how you look at your harp music!

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Music is all about patterns. When you’re able to recognise these very basic ones and make your fingers follow, you’ve made the first step to reading and playing fluently.

You can learn about patterns as soon as you get to know your very first note, right from day 1. In this video I’m showing you the two basic patterns. Just knowing about these two makes a huge difference to your progress!

Teaching your fingers what the patterns FEEL like can help you look less at the strings and stay more connected to the score. And this is really important especially if you’re lucky to memorise music easily and therefore find yourself looking away before you’re fully ready!

Want to learn more? Check out my other videos where I talk about patterns.

Start where you are

Just like you’re able to match this symbol to the right string, and then recognise when this is repeated and make your fingers follow, you can teach them about all the other patterns.

It does take time and patience because there are many different patterns out there and we only spoke about some of the most basic ones today, but it’s always the exact same process.

If you stay calm, and keep coming back while being kind to yourself… it will finally click (I promise!)

Watch the video