If you watched my previous video on myths about playing from memory, you already know that you don’t have to memorise your pieces to perform them well… but in some situations being able to play a piece without a score is a blessing!
In this video you’ll learn…
- why it’s useful to memorise music – even if you’re not planning performing for others!
- solutions for when you’re playing only some sections from memory
- what pieces to start with (hint – they don’t have to be super-advanced!)
What was your experience so far when it comes to playing with music and from memory? Have you tried both, and if not – why not?
How did that make you feel, and were these feelings different in different settings?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!
Resources mentioned in this episode
✦ Myths about memorising music – episode 43
✦ Emergency exits – episode 42
✦ Learn to play Happy Birthday – sheet music and mini-video tutorial